90 days from today is Tue, 15 April 2025

Gloucestershire Police Federation

Christmas and New Year message from Gloucestershire Police Federation Chair Steve James

21 December 2023

Each year, as I sit and reflect on the year in preparation for writing these Christmas messages, I’m struck by how hard a year it has been for policing, and for police officers. As ever this year was no different. It appears that in policing, there is no other type of year.

However, whilst policing continues to come under fire from all quarters, and police officers remain understaffed, underpaid and under-appreciated, they continue to turn up every day and do amazing work.

As ever it’s been a privilege to be reminded of that amazing work in so many ways. Officers have this year won the Regional award at the PFEW National Bravery Awards, and received recognition at The High Sheriffs Awards, at the International Digital Investigation Awards and even at Crufts! On a personal note, having collected my own Long Service & Good Conduct medal this year, I had the pleasure of being surrounded by colleagues who have also dedicated many years of their lives to keeping people safe.

As a Constabulary we have, thanks to the hard work of you all, bought the force out of the HMICFRS ‘engage’ process, all whilst integrating a new operating model. It is fair to say that there is significant work ahead to fully integrate that model, and that the impact of that on many of you has been significant. We will continue to work on your behalf challenging the organisation as that process continues.

We have also continued to work to hold PFEW to account, to ensure that the national body makes the changes it needs to, to respond to what has been a challenging year for PFEW nationally.

As a Branch we have continued to work hard supporting our members through ill health retirement, post incident procedures and so much more, most notably a significant increase in misconduct cases. My thanks to all of the hardworking Workplace Federation Reps who so ably support the work of those of us fortunate enough to do this on a full-time basis.

I would like to thank all our hardworking members for their courage and commitment across this unforgettable year.

I will working on both Streetsafe and Custody duties over the Christmas period, so look forward to seeing many of you about.

From myself, and my colleagues in the Federation office, Ian, Tom & Karen – have a safe and happy Christmas.


January 2025