Derbyshire Police Federation

Pay row continues

25 February 2022

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton has hit out at the Home Office over its recommendation of a minimum two per cent pay rise for police officers.
The Home Office submission to the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) states the recent funding settlement provides finances for a pay rise of “at least two per cent” this year.
Tony has condemned the recommendation which has been branded “disgusting” .
He said: “Our members have suffered years and years of pay freezes or below-inflation rises and many are now struggling with their mortgages and bills each month.
“For the Home Office to come up with this figure after all the anger and resentment it caused with last year’s zero per cent offer is beyond belief. It is yet another insult to the brave men and women who give so much of themselves to keep this country safe.”
Tony said the fact the pay recommendation was announced just a week after the Police Federation’s pay and morale survey highlighted a crisis in Derbyshire only added insult to injury.
He said: “I urged the Home Secretary and others to work with the Police Federation to address this crisis through better pay and a new focus on the wellbeing of colleagues. Well, thanks for nothing.
“Morale within Derbyshire Police is the lowest of all the police forces across England and Wales and pay is a major factor behind that.
“Our survey showed 76 per cent of Derbyshire officers were unsatisfied with their basic pay and allowances and 42 per cent worry about their personal finances nearly every day.
“About three quarters feel  financially worse off today than they did five years ago and some admit they are struggling to afford their essentials.
“This comes after 12 years of pay caps and freezes, including a zero per cent pay rise last year as a poor reward for officers stepping up during the pandemic.
“It feels like policing is at breaking point, and it is unforgivable for officers to be scrimping and saving so their families can make ends meet.”
Tony warned the pay situation was having a devastating impact on officers and their families in Derbyshire and insisted they deserved better treatment from the Government.
He said: “Our members put their lives on the line every day to protect the people of Derbyshire and they do so with  courage, determination and professionalism but such dedication is not reflected in their pay packets.”
Police Federation national vice-chair Ché Donald said police officer pay had fallen by 20 per cent in real terms since 2010 and described the recommendation as disgusting.
He said:  “I can only assume the Home Office recommendation of a two per cent pay award to the Police Remuneration Review Body contains a typo and missed out the much needed zero after the two to make 20.
“Anything else is not just grossly unfair, it is disgusting and shows just how little this Government really values police officers.
“After more than a decade of pay caps and freezes, the Police Federation’s pay and morale survey reveals a worsening morale crisis in policing and acts as a health warning for anyone considering joining the service.
“The survey results make clear the financial pressure on police officers, their families and the stress this puts on them just to make ends meet, this is not anecdotal evidence, it is empirical.
“All police officers want is fair and equitable treatment in relation to pay, this recommendation of two per cent comes at a time when inflation is running at five per cent, with National Insurance increases and spikes in energy prices.
“We will continue to advance our plans to challenge this pay mechanism, which quite frankly, is nothing short of subjugation and servitude.”


February 2025