Derbyshire Police Federation

Officers thanked for completing pay and morale survey

26 October 2022

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton has thanked members for taking part in the annual pay and morale survey after it was revealed the Force had one of the highest response rates in the country.

Almost 41 per cent of Derbyshire Police Federation members took the survey – the fifth highest response rate in the country.

Tony said the response rate was particularly pleasing after last year’s survey found that morale in Derbyshire was the lowest in all forces in England and Wales.

He said: “We’re pleased to have one of the highest response rates in England and Wales – a huge thank you to all of our members who took part.

“After last year’s survey found that morale in the Force was the lowest in the country, it’s really pleasing that so many members have taken the time to complete it.”

The survey ran in September and October and was combined with the demand, capacity and welfare survey to provide a comprehensive picture of the realities of policing.

The results will be used to support Police Federation campaigns for fairer pay and an independent pay mechanism.

The findings will also enable the Federation to highlight areas where change is needed and support its drive to improve working conditions for officers.

Tony added: “The survey takes into account members’ welfare concerns as well as their views on pay and working conditions.

“The results when they’re published, will provide a comprehensive picture of the issues facing our members.

“And we’ll use the findings to support our campaigns for fairer pay and conditions, and when representing you in discussions with the Government and key stakeholders.”



February 2025