Derbyshire Police Federation

Final chance to complete pay and morale survey

29 September 2022

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton has urged members to complete the annual pay and morale survey before the deadline on Monday.

Tony said it was vital police officers made their voices heard as their views and experiences on pay, morale and wellbeing will be used to support ongoing campaigns to improve pay and conditions.

He said: “Thank you members who have taken the time to complete the survey, it will really help us to build a comprehensive picture of the issues facing officers.

“I would urge as many of our members as possible to complete the survey. Please do so over the weekend if you haven’t yet done so because time is running out.”

He continued: “It’s important that you have your say. The more members who complete it, the stronger our collective voice will be when fighting for improvements to pay and conditions on your behalf.

“We are aware that some members have had frustrating technical issues trying to complete the survey.  I understand that completing it from a non-Force email account overcomes those issues, so please consider sending the link through to your personal account and completing from there.”

This year’s survey has been combined with the demand, capacity and welfare survey to provide a comprehensive picture of the realities of policing.


February 2025