Derbyshire Police Federation

A seasonal message from your Federation

21 December 2021

We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our members a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

We have been through a very busy and challenging year and there is no doubt the next 12 months will be equally demanding so it is important to take a break from the pressures of work and spend some time with family and friends.

We appreciate many of you will be working over the Christmas and New Year holidays but we hope you will get at least some time to celebrate with loved ones.

We realise that you aren’t always acknowledged for the tough and demanding role you carry out on a day-to-day basis but please be assured that your colleagues and the Team around you appreciate what you do for Derbyshire police and Derbyshire Federation thank you for that.

Tony Wetton, Derbyshire Police Federation chair

Kirsty Bunn, Derbyshire Police Federation secretary


February 2025