Derbyshire Police Federation

Supporting you

28 February 2019

Five members of Derbyshire Police Federation have now been trained to take on their new roles as Federation support officers (FSOs).

While the FSOs will not be able to give detailed advice on Federation matters, they will be able to help colleagues access information on many issues that many believe fall within the Federation’s work – such as the Group Insurance Scheme, which is now managed by Derbyshire Benevolent Trust, the Police Treatment Centres and welfare support.

“In total 26 officers – from the rank of constable through to inspectors, detectives and uniformed – have volunteered for this new role which is something I don’t think other Federation branches provide,” says Kirsty Bunn, secretary of Derbyshire Police Federation.

“Each officer will receive a day’s training before taking up the position and so far five individuals have completed that course with the others set to undertake their training in the coming months.”

The training included:

  • Current structure of the Federation
  • Who’s who
  • The role and responsibilities of a Federation workplace representative
  • The work of the Police Treatment Centres
  • What is the St George’s Fund
  • Police Regulations – the Quick Reference Guide
  • Flexible working
  • Conduct – breaches of behaviour, Unsatisfactory Performance Procedures (UPP) and attendance management
  • The limitations of the FSO role.



July 2024