90 days from today is Wed, 22 January 2025

Wiltshire Police Federation


Generally, stress and poor psychological wellbeing is widespread in the police service. We are here to help.

Below are some resources for support and advice on mental as well as physical health, or please contact us.

Breaking the Silence - Wellbeing Webinar 10 September 2024

World Menopause Day - Wellbeing guide from Police Mutual

World Mental Health Day - Wellbeing guide from Police Mutual

National Menopause Guidance

Police Related Charities


Wiltshire Police Benevolent Trust

Since 2007 the Wiltshire Police Benevolent Trust became a registered charity, this changes our status which allowed the Trustees to help not only serving officers, retired officers, but police staff and their families too.

Over 15 years, thanks to your contributions we’ve been able to support hundreds of our policing family through difficult times, we have assisted with purchasing equipment to improve mobility and quality of life for several members.

The sort of things we’ve aided with include, the purchase of specialist equipment for a disabled child; Building works to facilitate wheelchair use and purchase of purpose made motorised scooter and trailer.

The current Trustees are:

  • Superintendent Steve Cox - Representative of Chief Constable
  • Superintendent Kerry Lawes - Superintendents Association
  • Pc Sarah Ennis - Police Federation 
  • Ms Clair Cross - UNISON 
  • Mr Cavan Moroney - NARPO

The police officer donation of £2.13p which includes a donation to Wiltshire police benevolent Trust, The Gurney fund, and the Police Care UK.

Police staff, can only donate towards the Benevolent Trust, the 91p. This is due to the other two charities being for police officers.

You can also update your details if they’ve changed. If you would like to contribute into the fund, please email polfed@wiltshire.police.uk with your payroll number and authority to commence deductions.

Wiltshire Benevolent Trust leaflet 2024


National health and wellbeing leaflet

Health and wellbeing leaflet

Officers now work longer hours, have to manage incidents with less resources, have higher workloads and have taken on more responsibility - all the while needing to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle required to pass the annual fitness test. 

Ill health can affect anyone at any age in their lives, some issues affect both sexes, while some are gender specific. Both physical and mental health are serious considerations for the Federation. The aim of this booklet - by the national Police Federation of England and Wales - is to provide you with some useful information and preventative advice for a healthier you.

View the national health and wellbeing leaflet




Flint House is a charity, entirely funded by donations from those in the police service and their families. It is with these generous donations that we help and heal over 2,500 serving and retired police officers each year, providing physical rehabilitation and mental health support.

Flint House offers a safe, relaxed environment for serving and retired officers. Everyone is treated with care and respect (no ranks, no hierarchy) by our caring and experienced practitioners. Whether a new recruit or an experienced veteran, there’s a good chance you’ll need our services at some point.

IT COSTS NO MORE THAN A CUP OF COFFEE A WEEK for access to Flint House's residential, outpatient and virtual treatments. 

For more information about subscribing to Flint House, or to sign up click on the link here 

Flint House - Leaflet


Police Firearms Officers Association

The PFOA was created to support all those involved in UK Armed Policing, and their families. Armed Policing has developed and evolved in recent years, PFOA membership is now open to Taser Officers. We see Taser Officers as the AFO's of the future. The PFOA support the national uplift in Armed Policing. The Trustees and staff are a mixture of serving and retired firearms officers, with many years of experience and extensive knowledge. We offer a unique package of support for members and their families.


NARPO is the only National association representing the interests of retired Police Officers.

The objects of the Association are to safeguard the rights of Members, and to promote measures for their welfare with particular regard to Pensions.

In areas where the local Police Service no longer provide welfare support for retired officers, NARPO now fulfils that role.  Wiltshire is one such area.

NARPO welcome new members, who are encouraged to join any of the meetings or social events.

Click on the link for more information and how to join https://www.narpo-wilts.org.uk


Help 4 Addiction

Help 4 Addiction, and Rehubs has proudly created a partnership with the Police Federation to provide a safe space for officers throughout England and Wales to talk if they are struggling with addiction personally or for someone close to them.

The first steps are always the hardest ones to take towards the journey to recovery, but recognising the problem is a victory in itself. With the help and support from Help 4 Addiction and Rehubs, individuals can find a path towards recovery, fostering resilience and well-being.

Get In Touch Today

You can reach out for support today. Whether it be for you, a family member, a friend, or a colleague, receive advice or rehab services, including online rehab.

Help 4 Addiction and Rehubs cater for all with a personalised approach and always remain completely confidential.

With many lasting success cases from both Help 4 Addiction and Rehubs, they are here to support those in the policing profession.

You can call 0203 955 7700 for Help 4 Addiction or 0330 058 8227 for Rehubs, or complete a free 5-minute online consultation that can be found on either website. Download the Rehubs app available on the Google Play Store or the App Store and receive a code from your Police Federation representative for free access plus our 10% off police discount for the intensive 28 day online rehab.

Help 4 Addiction provide an independent addiction service


The National Police Wellbeing Service

Helping police forces build world-class wellbeing support for everyone who works for them. Access our services, events, research, guidance, resources, and news - all in one place.

The National Police Wellbeing Service | Oscar Kilo