90 days from today is Sat, 07 December 2024

Wiltshire Police Federation


Phil Matthews

Chair Phil Matthews

As your chair for the Wiltshire Police Federation.

I bring with me 20 years of policing experience from response. Traffic and ARG from two forces. I would consider myself a very active workplace rep and in being so for nearly five years, I have built excellent working relationships with the departments of Wiltshire police. I have worked all varieties of Federation work from conduct and performance to equality and diversity. I feel I have the passion and drive to negotiate with and influence our decision makers to carry on the outstanding work of our previous chair, in creating better working environments for our members. Welfare of our members is our priority and it is one I would like to drive further.

 I am aware that in the political towers of policing that it is quickly forgotten that our members deal with the extremes of human emotion and this brings consequences. This is one gap I would aim to bridge.  While I will always stick to the motto of the Federation and aim to represent our members. Those that know me know that I will not step away from a fight and I will make sure the feelings of the Federation and our members are heard and reinforced with those that need to hear it. Where it is necessary to hold the force to account, I will do this without fear.

With the above in mind I always aim to negotiate and influence as we should and will make it my business to make sure our relationship with HR, PSD, ELT and all the other departments are strong in a way that we are listened to.

I love policing and I am so very proud of our cops and would love to be in a position to do all I can to make their lives less stressful in any way I can. Whilst the previous Chair would be a tough act to follow, I promise I’ll do all I can to keep up that amazing work he has done.



Secretary - Sarah Ennis

Secretary Sarah Ennis

I joined Wiltshire Police in 2001 gaining my knowledge of policing from working in the following area’s; Swindon tutor unit and Neighbourhood policing, to the Integrated Youth Offending Team with Wiltshire Council. Working alongside Social workers, probation officers and MH workers. Then returning to uniform on the Local Crime Team in Melksham and in Swindon. Finally in 2016, I moved to response in County stationed at the Borough in Devizes. 

During my service I have taken on extra ancillary roles; one on the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI), mortuary assistant role of DVI, a Licenced Search Officer and in 2017 I became a workplace Federation representative. Where I have completed compulsory courses, with the recent being Ill Health Retirement. During my Federation time I have supported officers across the County in performance and attendance requirements, . I have a proactive and positive attitude towards challenging and new situations.

In March 2021 I took over as the Wiltshire Federation General Secretary, my aim is for the wellbeing of all our members, to ensure they are treated fairly in the workplace and given the opportunities to further their careers, whilst maintaining a good working positive environment.