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Wiltshire Police Federation

7% Pay Rise Insufficient After Years Of Pay Freezes

14 July 2023

Wiltshire Police Federation says the 7% pay increase announced for officers across the ranks is insufficient given years of pay freezes and the cost-of-living crisis.

While other public sectors are currently striking over pay and conditions, no such option is open to police officers, who have seen a landslide 17% decline in police pay since 2000.

Phil Matthews, Federation Chair, said: “I welcome the Government accepting the PRRB’s recommendation for a consolidated pay increase for police at 7%. However, this is not enough.

“An independent study this year demonstrate that police officers have experienced a 17 % real-terms pay cut since the year 2000. Police officers carry out a unique role and we cannot take action like others when our pay is cut or frozen.”

Officers will have a “mixed view” of the pay rise he said, and encouraged the Government to do more to repair years of damage.

He added: “At times like this I will seek the views of our Chief Constable Catherine Roper, and chiefs across the country. These are your staff, the officers putting themselves in harm’s way for your force every day. What are the thoughts of our senior leaders? Is the Government treating your police officers fairly? The Federation will continue both here in your local branch, and nationally to negotiate and push for your fairest pay and conditions.”

Steve Hartshorn, National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, added: “It is important that government also provides new money for the pay award so that chief officers do not have to cut essential services to the public to fund it.

“We will continue to push for fair pay awards that take full account of inflation and recognise and reward the unique status of police officers; including the introduction of a fair, independent mechanism and negotiation process, so that we can properly sit down with government and employers to negotiate pay settlements that fully consider the risks and restrictions placed on police officers’ private and professional lives. The focus going forward needs to be on pay restoration.”