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West Midlands Police Federation

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Cake sale boost for Primrose Hospice

18 December 2019

A cheque for £880 has now been presented to the Primrose Hospice in Bromsgrove following a cake sale at Lloyd House.

The hospice is providing support to Assistant Chief Constable Chris Johnson who has Motor Neurone Disease.

“On hearing of Chris’ diagnosis my team at work, the Force initial investigation department, decided they wanted to raise money for a charity nominated by me and, of course, I chose the Primrose as they are supporting my family,” explains Sharon Johnson, the ACC’s wife.

“Earlier in the year, Sgt Mark Heard got hold of a life-size Garfield soft toy and decided to raffle it off. PC Sally Astwood offered to do a cake sale and, as I bake as well, I assisted. Other members of the department donated cakes and Sarah in Force contact made one which we used as a guess the weight of the cake.”

Image above: With the cheque are (left to right) Sarah, fund-raising team for Primrose, Sally Astwood, Sgt Mark Heard, Sharon Johnson and Amy, fund-raiser for Primrose.


Image above: Sharon Johnson, Sally Astwood, ACC Chris Johnson and Sgt Mark Heard