90 days from today is Sun, 09 March 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details


The Police Federation of England and Wales is the representative body to which all police officers up to and including the rank of chief inspector can belong. Members of the Special Constabulary can also become subscribing members.

It was established by the Police Act in 1919, following a strike in London, when almost every constable and sergeant in the Metropolitan Police refused to go on duty. They were demanding a big pay increase, a widows’ pension, the recognition of their illegal trade union, and the reinstatement of those who had been sacked for their union activities.

The Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, gave in to the strikers on pay, but within months the Police Union was smashed and the Police Federation of England and Wales was established.

Since that time, police officers have been prohibited from striking by statute, the most recent being the Police Act 1996. It is not a union, but has a statutory responsibility to represent its members, that is all officers below the rank of Superintendent, in all matters affecting their welfare and efficiency.

The Federation today

The Federation voices the views of 145,000 police officers, bringing together their views on welfare and efficiency to the notice of the government and all opinion formers. The Federation negotiates on all aspects of pay, allowances, hours of duty, annual leave and pensions. It is consulted when Police Regulations are made, dealing with training, promotion and discipline.

It takes an active interest in a wide range of subjects, which affect the police service, and puts forward its views on the members’ behalf. Thus, it not only acts as a staff association, but also as a professional body, able to influence not only living standards, through pay and other benefits, but also the development of professional standards.

The Federation raises voluntary contributions from its members. The funds of the Federation are used mainly to provide services to members. Subject to the discretion of the national Federation, free legal and medical advice and assistance is provided to enable members to pursue civil claims for damages for such things as injuries sustained in traffic and other kinds of accidents; defamation arising from police duty and criminal assaults. The funds can also be used to assist officers who are involved in equal opportunities cases. The Federation also provides legal advice and assistance to members who are charged with certain criminal offences, arising wholly from the course of their duties. It also pays for legal assistance to members facing serious disciplinary allegations.

It is the member who takes legal action. The Federation simply provides the financial backing, within the rules of the funds (which are approved by the annual conferences). It is therefore wrong to say that the Federation is suing in an individual case. Nor does the provision of legal assistance from the funds imply that the Federation is ‘backing’ a member facing a criminal or disciplinary charge. All members are treated equally, and the Federation does not take a prior view on the merits of a case, where this is a matter for the courts or the disciplinary authority.