90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025

Gloucestershire Police Federation

Conduct / Conduct Investigations

If you have been informed that you are subject of a Public Complaint or a Conduct Investigation, then the most important thing to do is DO NOT PANIC and seek advice and support as soon as possible.

We would advise that you consider whether to wait on providing any comment in relation to an allegation until after receiving initial advice. If you made a comment, statement or any other response then please keep a copy.

If you are a subscribing member of the Police Federation of England and Wales [PFEW] then you qualify to be supported by a trained Federation Representative.

If you are notified during usual office hours, then please telephone the main Federation Office on 01452 545142.

At all other times please email the office clearly setting out a request for support and please attach a copy of any Notice or Papers that have been served upon you. The email address is  gloucester@polfed.org.

A Federation Representative will then be allocated your case and will contact you.

If the matter is outside of office hours and is such that it cannot wait and immediate assistance is required, then please call the ‘On Call’ Representative. The number for this is 07967206197.


Legal Assistance

In qualifying circumstances PFEW may also provide funding to afford you Legal Advice and/or Representation, however matters that occurred either off duty &/or are not otherwise concerned with your actions or role as a police officer may not qualify for legal funding. Your Federation Representative will advise on this provision. In such circumstances if you are also a member of the Group Insurance Scheme, then there is legal assistance cover provided as part of the package of insurance benefits, which is likely to cover for matters that fall outside of PFEW funding rules.


Duty Report

You may be asked to provide a 'Duty Report' in relation to an ongoing misconduct matter relating to another Police Officer, Police Staff or incident. This is purely to outline an account and is an indication that you are not under investigation. Failure to comply is a breach of a lawful order and potentially considered as discreditable conduct. If there are any questions or queries, contact the Federation Office in the first instance.


Further Advice

For further information on the services of a “Police Friend” and the right to legal representation, contact your Federation Office on 01452 545142, or speak to one of your local Workplace Federation Representatives.