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Devon & Cornwall Police Federation

"Re-elected Policing and Crime Commissioner should set to work fixing Devon and Cornwall’s “crumbling” police stations"

11 May 2021

The re-elected Policing and Crime Commissioner should set to work fixing Devon and Cornwall’s “crumbling” police stations, the Federation has said.
Devon and Cornwall Police Federation Chairman Andy Berry told BBC Radio Cornwall today (11 May) that work on the stations must be done by the end of Alison Hernandez’s next term as PCC.
He said: “There has been investment in some new police stations but there are other ones that are literally crumbling. Newquay police station has bits falling off it. We have other stations where the roofs are leaking. It would be nice to think that by the end of her next term police officers and staff are working in decent accommodation.”
Andy also called for more investment in the force’s ability to investigate digital media, as colleagues face “inordinate” amounts of time for evidence to be returned.
He said: “It takes months and months and months to get this stuff investigated because of a lack of investment over donkey’s years. It extends the length of investigations, which is frustrating for my colleagues, victims and members of the public.”
He added that he hoped Ms Hernandez would work to fend off Home Office plans to re-introduce targets into policing.
He said: “I would like Alison in her role as PCC to do her best to bat that off. Let’s look at quality and not start counting beans again, as we did all those years ago and all the perverse things that came along with that.
“We don’t always agree on a lot of issues but she is a real passionate supporter of my colleagues, she cares about their welfare and is a general thoughtful advocate of policing across our counties.”
Andy added: “There are some things we disagree about. Part of her campaign was about seeing 498 officers out on the streets. But that is only going to take us back to what the cuts in policing in 2010 took away, so we have gone back to where we were. Whilst everybody likes to see police officers on the streets, that is not always the best way.
“Her other ambition is to make [Devon and Cornwall] the lowest place of crime across the country. But a lot of policing does take place where the public don’t see officers. Domestic abuse for example.
“A patrolling officer on the high street will be seen by a lot of people but wouldn’t be dealing with the domestic abuse which is behind closed doors.”
To listen to the interview in full, go to: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_cornwall