90 days from today is Wed, 22 January 2025

Devon & Cornwall Police Federation

Flint House

Flint House is a charity, entirely funded by donations from those in the police service and their families. It is with these donations that they help and heal over 3,200 serving and retired police officers each year, providing physical rehabilitation and mental health support. Flint House offers a safe, relaxed environment for serving and retired officers. Everyone is treated with care and respect (no ranks, no hierarchy) by their caring and experienced practitioners. Whether a new recruit or an experienced veteran, there’s a good chance you’ll need their services at some point.

To apply to use the facilities and services provided by Flint House you must be either a serving member of the police service, or a retired officer; and have signed-up to donate.

SERVING OFFICERS: The following positions are eligible to apply for treatment: Serving Police Officer (warranted officer) including Special Constable, Police Community Support Officer, Police Community Support Investigator, Designated Detention Officer, Escort Officer, British Transport Police, Ministry of Defence, Civil Nuclear Constabulary, National Crime Agency, Port Officer: Channel Islands, Gibraltar Police.

RETIRED OFFICERS: If you spent the majority of your police service in one of Flint House Police Rehabilitation’s constituent forces, or since retiring have relocated to a Flint House constituent force, you are eligible to donate and apply for treatment – you will need to be in receipt of a police pension, or in receipt of a medical pension, and you must not have been dismissed as a result of gross misconduct. At check-in the Reception team will ask to see proof that you are in receipt of your police pension payments.

All decisions on admission for treatment will always be based on the merits of each individual case and admission prioritised on the need for treatment.


Intensive physiotherapy, exercise and gym work help fast-track you back to fitness from an injury sustained on or off-duty.


Flint House recognise the importance of good mental health and offer tailored programmes to support you. It is OK to ask for help.


Failed a JRFT or AFT in the last 6 months?  Flint House offer bespoke virtual conditioning programmes to help you get into shape to pass your next test!


You can apply for physical rehabilitation and mental health support as soon as your first donation has been processed. Your monthly donation of just £7.37 per month is easy to set-up by Direct Debit, just click on the link below.


If you wish to donate through payroll you can. Amounts may differ from force to force and you need to authorise the monthly payments through your Police Federation Rep or Payroll Department.


If you’re a former officer with a police pension; or a medical pension you can apply for treatment. A donation of £5 per month gives you access to the same clinical services as serving police officers. Find out more, just click the link below.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: https://gbr01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flinthouse.co.uk%2Ffaq%2F&data=05%7C01%7C%7C99b5987740d34b4f40de08dade8bc1d9%7Cf6d79420e26a471dbaf15dbd9fe9faf3%7C0%7C0%7C638066989145191919%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=KD9d4NXoZ8GEB6d3bVApD3nwmHbiMaaLofYcIl8bXwk%3D&reserved=0


Link to the latest Flint House Newsletter

News - Flint House Police Rehabilitation