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Devon & Cornwall Police Federation

Police 2021 Pay Rise: the police officer pay freeze is an insulting decision

22 July 2021

“Officers don’t do this job to become rich… but they don’t do it to become poorer either – the police officer pay freeze is an insulting decision.”

Andy Berry, Chair of Devon and Cornwall Police Federation, reacts to the police officer 2021 pay freeze announced by the Government yesterday – on the same day NHS colleagues were awarded 3% pay rise.

He said: “My members, officers across Devon and Cornwall, will be angered and frustrated by this insulting decision. They have worked endlessly hard over the past 18 months to deliver the Government’s Covid-19 policy all the time watching weaponised Covid-19 assaults on officers grow in number. 

“My members delivered probably the safest G7 ever, working exhausting hours which even now has left a lasting legacy on them.  My members work every day to keep the public safe, putting themselves in harm’s way and we saw only a matter of days ago some of the most serious injuries inflicted on two brave Devon and Cornwall Police officers.” 

“Officers don’t do this job to become rich but they don’t do it to become poorer either - a CPI currently of 2.4% means that officers have had a 2.4% pay cut. That the Home Secretary has used her influence to direct the so called independent pay review body to recommend a zero award for the vast majority of officers is a cynical abuse of a group of dedicated workers who have limited employment rights.”

Reporting yesterday, the “independent” Police Remuneration Review Body stated “This year our remit did not include making an overall pay award recommendation” so it did not bother. It also rejected any notion of a “bonus” for officers for their hard work policing the Covid-19 pandemic.

Andy added: “The Police Federation has tried to play by the rules and have engaged with the Police Remuneration Review Body which is supposed to be an independent body, recognising that Police Officers are not protected by the same employment rights as pretty much everybody else who works. 

“But I now have to say to my National Secretary and National Chair “What is the point?”  What is the point of giving credibility to a process that is – frankly - clearly rigged. Police officers were betrayed by the Government over a lack of prioritisation for Covid-19 Jabs and now the hard work and dedication of officers has again been belittled and betrayed.”

The Police Federation of England and Wales said: “The current pay system for policing is not fit for purpose. We are forced to enter into an inherently unfair process from the start, with the odds weighted firmly in favour of the Government where, it seems, a decision has already been made when they set the parameters for the pay review body.

“It is now essential that we review this process and look to find an alternative. A solution that has the best interests of police officer pay at heart. We will be seeking the views of our members and calling an urgent meeting with our 43 Federation branches from across England and Wales to discuss our next steps.”