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Devon & Cornwall Police Federation

Branch Secretary Jim Purkiss talks about Training in COVID

25 January 2021

As soon as we were placed into this current lockdown I immediately approached the senior managers from our ‘Learning & Development’ department to establish what they would be doing with training in the current ongoing pandemic.  It was clear that the force would be following the guidance sent out by the College of Policing and the direction from the NPPC to continue with essential training.  I have strongly raised the concerns members have and will have with the continuation of all elements of training being undertaken within D&C.  These early representations influenced the force in stopping JRFT for OST sessions.

I am extremely conscious of the impact and perception of members around all aspects of Training, which includes the health and safety of the trainers.  L&D senior managers across both forces have assured us that each training course deemed essential to continue has/is being further risk assessed by the H&S dep't and control measures put in place, to make the training and environment as safe as possible. 

Within these meetings I have challenged the force on what they deem necessary essential training and although I may have a different view to them on some training, I have to accept that in the interests of our members continuing essential training also keeps our officers safe and able to perform their vital roles.   I also accept that from listening to L&D, there is very little scope to push some training back, knowing the workload and calendar they have.


I hope this goes some way to reassuring you that we take this issue seriously and have, since this pandemic outbreak, challenged the force on all matters relating to the safety of our members and will continue to do so.

Jim Purkiss