90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025

Your Federation Weekly News 26-04-24

26 April 2024

What's happened to your canteens? Where do you go to have a break?

The University of Lincoln, in partnership with the PFEW, Liverpool John Moores University, and the Open University, is undertaking a research study into how changes to the police estate, particularly in terms of rest spaces, have affected police officer wellbeing. 
The study has three stages: focus groups (which have now taken place), a survey, and interviews. Right now we're looking for participants to take part in a survey, where we'll ask you about your rest breaks and the spaces that you have to take them in. This should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.  You will also have the opportunity to volunteer to take part in the later stage of interviews if you would like to do so.

Participants must be serving officers or staff who have worked within police working spaces such as stations or shared facilities within the last five years. 
Canteens and shared spaces in policing (jisc.ac.uk)

Shorefield Availability in May 2024
Monday 6th May – Friday 10th May £300
Monday 13th May – Friday 17th May £300