90 days from today is Sun, 08 December 2024

A Christmas message from Surrey Police Federation

23 December 2019

Surrey Police Federation Chair Mel Warnes shares a Christmas message to members; 

This past year the Police Federation of England and Wales has celebrated our Centenary Year.

During the past year, we have supported numerous officers through misconduct meetings and gross misconduct hearings. Some of which have been the subject of IOPC investigations. We also have assisted in Ill Health Retirement processes, Equality issues and many other everyday issues that Surrey Officers come to us for advice on.

We are continually improving the number of members of our Group Insurance Scheme which enables us to help those who require assistance through our member services income.

As a National Federation we survived two cyber-attacks and we have worked hard locally to keep the office working and ensuring our members have continued to be supported in all ways.

We upgraded our mobile home which is for the welfare of the officers. It is still situated in the New Forest at the same location and offers a relaxing space for those who can benefit from a visit.

This year we nominated George Bell from Reigate for the National Bravery Awards and Alexis Batty for Learner Detective of the Year. Alexis was National runner-up which is an amazing achievement.

Next year we are looking forward to the new Conduct Regulations coming in as the emphasis will be on learning rather than a blame culture. This should mean fewer misconduct meetings and hearings.

Also, we will be concentrating on the time limits campaign to ensure not only the IOPC are held to account on investigation timeliness, but also our local PSD office. It will be interesting to see what the newly elected Government do with the promises they made us prior to election and I look forward to making contact with the local Surrey MPs.

We hope you have a restful, happy and healthy Christmas period with your family and friends and if you are working, that you stay safe.

Merry Christmas from Surrey Federation.