90 days from today is Wed, 07 May 2025

Chair: “For those in the Police, Christmas is no holiday”

21 December 2017

Mel Warnes looks back on 2017 in her Christmas and New Year message.

“Policing is a 24/7 job. We’re out there dealing with everything, every day, to keep members of the public safe. It is no holiday, and therefore if my members are at work this holiday period, all I would ask is that you have a safe tour of duty.

“Looking back on 2017, amongst everything, Surrey Police Federation and our members have done some great work. We’ve had officers nominated for the National Bravery Awards, we’ve had nominations at the Detectives Awards for great detective work, we’ve carried important work with ‘Protect the Protectors’ campaign, and we’ve been to parliament and challenged MPs.

“Surrey has had a strong 2017, filled with great police work, and it’s really important that we recognise and remember the good work that our members are doing, day in, day out.

“I’d like to end by saying that if you’re working have a very safe time. Enjoy the Christmas period with your friends and family, and if you are at work, stay safe.”