90 days from today is Wed, 22 January 2025

Police Federation Template Website

Mission statement

Mission Statement

The Welsh Affairs Sub-Committee of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) will, on behalf of the members serving within Wales, seek to promote effective engagement between the PFEW, devolved and non-devolved public bodies, public services, Welsh Parliament (Senedd Cymru), chief officers and Police and Crime Commissioners.

That engagement will include researching, negotiating, influencing and informing upon current and any potential further devolution of powers including those relating towards, or impacting upon, policing and criminal justice in Wales.

The sub-committee will support, and hold to account, the Welsh Lead as a National Board member of the PFEW.


Datganiad Cenhadaeth

Bydd Is-bwyllgor Materion Cymreig Ffederasiwn Heddlu Lloegr a Chymru (PFEW), ar ran yr aelodau sy’n gwasanaethu o fewn Cymru, yn anelu i hyrwyddo ymgysylltu effeithlon rhwng PFEW, cyrff cyhoeddus a gafodd eu datganoli a heb eu datganoli, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, Senedd Cymru, prif swyddogion a Chomisiynwyr Heddlu a Throseddu.

Bydd yr ymgysylltu hwnnw yn cynnwys ymchwilio, negodi, dylanwadu a hysbysu am unrhyw ddatganoli pwerau presennol a phellach posibl yn cynnwys y rhai sy’n ymwneud â, neu’n effeithio ar, blismona a chyfiawnder troseddol yng Nghymru.

Bydd yr is-bwyllgor yn cefnogi, ac yn dal i gyfrif, Arweinydd Cymru fel aelod o Fwrdd Cenedlaethol PFEW.