90 days from today is Fri, 25 October 2024

North Yorkshire Police Federation

Physical/Mental Wellbeing



The Northern Police Healthcare Scheme

Self funded scheme set up by a Trust Deed and administered by Northumbria Police Federation.  The NYPF BB Secretary is a Trustee of the scheme which offers excellent value for money comparing the cost of premiums and the treatment covered.  Subscribing Police Officers to the Healthcare scheme will also receive FREE POLICE TREATMENT CENTRE MEMBERSHIP.  Membership of the scheme also offers exclusive access to 2 luxury holiday homes in Northumberland.

For more information please visit Northern Police Healthcare Scheme or contact Pauline Chapman on 0191 437 3000.


The Police Treatment Centres

The Police Treatment Centres is a registered charity which provides treatment and support, including intensive, police-specific, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, for injured and ill police officers and retired officers.  Membership is currently £7.80 per month. If you are a subscriber and require physiotherapy information on how you can apply for treatment can be found here.


Gym Memberships

Link to our current gym membership offers can be found in our member discount section.  If you attend a gym not on the list and think a discount may be made available to the Police Family, please contact the Federation Office on 01904 909483.




Respite Breaks

Respite breaks are available to members of the Welfare Fund (past and present) at Fallbarrow Park or Limefitt Park in the Lake District.  A slightly more limited amount of breaks are also available to members of the Group Insurance Scheme who may not, for whatever reason, be members of the Welfare Fund.  Please contact the Federation office to enquire on 01904 909483.  Further information on the properties is available here.

PMAS are also able to offer respite breaks...

"There are many reasons that members of the Police family need to take time out. You may be recovering from an illness, dealing with a mental health problem or coping with the impact of trauma, injury, stress or loss. Perhaps you’re retired and either suffering from or caring for someone with dementia"

More information on PMAS respite breaks here...


The Police Treatment Centres

The Psychological Wellbeing Programme is a two week structured programme designed specifically for Serving Officers with mild to moderate anxiety and depression, and stress related issues.

When attending the Police Treatment Centres on the Psychological Wellbeing Programme you can expect to take part in group sessions in stress management, coping strategies, relaxation, sleep and mindfulness. Alongside these are group exercise sessions and also individual counselling and complementary therapy sessions.

Membership is currently £7.80 per month.  Further information and how to apply for treatment can be found here.


Health Assured (available to Group Insurance Members only)

Mental Health and Bereavement

Your call will be handled by an experienced counsellor, who will offer confidential support and information in a friendly, non-judgemental manner.

◊ 24/7/365 counselling and information telephone service
◊ In the moment telephone support
◊ If clinically appropriate, access to structured telephone, online or face to face counselling
◊ Access to further wellbeing resources via an online health portal and the Health e-Hub app

Reasons to call the service, but not limited to:

◊ Stress and anxiety
◊ Family issues
◊ Relationship advice
◊ Alcohol and drug issues
◊ Gambling issues
◊ Bereavement
◊ Domestic abuse
◊ Retirement

Medical Advice

The medical advice line is available Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm and is available for you to discuss any medical conditions such as:

◊ Paediatrics
◊ Typical childhood illnesses
◊ Adolescent related issues
◊ Information and advice on a range of professional welfare organisations and societies
◊ First aid advice
◊ Elderly/dependant life stage care
◊ Assistance with planning care for the elderly
◊ Suitability of medicines by age/condition
◊ Suitability of treatment and alternative therapies
◊ Common/routine medical conditions
◊ Orthopaedics
◊ Prevention of injuries

The Health Assured service is free of charge to our Group Insurance members and confidential. If you think you may be eligible you should ring Health Assured on 0800 328 0003 in normal business hours. (subscribing group insurance members only)


Oskar Kilo

National Police Wellbeing Service.  

The National Police Wellbeing Service has been created to provide support and guidance for all police forces to improve and build upon wellbeing within their organisation. It has been developed for policing, by policing and is designed to meet the unique needs of officers and staff.

It provides practical support for forces in eight key areas, they are;

  • Dealing with trauma, major incidents and disaster resilience
  • Psychological screening
  • Individual resilience
  • Peer support
  • Line management
  • Leadership
  • Wellbeing at work
  • Mobile outreach service (Wellbeing vans)

We want every member of the police service to feel confident that their wellbeing is taken seriously and that they are properly supported by their organisation.
This area of the website is accessible to anyone with a .pnn email address so no matter what your rank or role, you can access all of the information and services we have to offer.

Link here for National Police Wellbeing Service