Lincolnshire Police Federation

office contact details

Branch Finances




The Lincolnshire branch of the Police Federation of England and Wales is passionate about generating and utilising its funds in a fair, ethical, open and transparent way for the benefit of it’s members.

The branch generates income in the following ways:

  1. Membership subscriptions
  2. Self generated income from branch initiatives e.g. Advertising and commission based revenue
  3. Group Insurance scheme commission


Role of Trustees

Alongside the Secretary the Trustees play a vital role in our branch for overseeing the financial and operational aspects of the organisation by maintaining trust and accountability with responsibilities including:

  • Ensuring the effective management of the Federation's resources.
  • Making decisions that align with the best interests of the members.
  • Upholding the values of integrity and transparency.

Trustees for membership subscriptions & generated income:

  • Lee Greensmith

Trustees for the Group Insurance Scheme

  • Helen Stamp
  • Nigel Key
  • Andy Shepherd
  • Claire Hutchins
  • Ruth Fox
  • Dave Yarwood


Internal Audit 

The last branch audit took place on the 27th April 2023 and was given a Green assurance rating with the following summary: 

Audit testing showed: 

  1. Governance was in good order and functioning under the set process
  2. The branch was adequately staffed and supported
  3. Assets were being safeguarded
  4. Financial accounting controls were being operated efficiently
  5. Separation of PFEW business from other related entity activity was appropriate. 

Good practice: 

  • Excellent set of ordered files
  • Treasurer’s report particularly thorough
  • Only 1.4% of spend is local; the branch has moved most processing to PFEW Finance
  • The branch promotes car-sharing and has a cheap and reliable local car rental deal, finding it cheaper than paying mileage at 45ppm


Lincolnshire Police Federation has a strong commitment to integrity and openness in all its operations and invites any subscribing member to visit the branch to scrutinise the accounts to ensure the highest degree of transparency.