Lincolnshire Police Federation

office contact details

GIS Feedback from Members



We welcome feedback regarding any service used through the Group Insurance Scheme.

To send your feedback, please click the relevant link below to complete the feedback form 


Serving officer/ staff feedback

Retired members feedback 



 Please see below comments received so far. 


Mobile Phone Cover 

I renewed my mobile phone contract this week and upgraded my phone to the new iPhone 15 Pro. The insurance to cover the phone would have been £180 for the two years but I was able to save this money now that Lincs Fed have included cover through the GIS.


Motor Breakdown

Had cause to use the breakdown scheme last night- wife's car wouldn't start-had been stood unused for a while!

I really liked the link you get sent by text to enter details- very efficient.

I was kept updated and a very friendly chap from Tears at Sutton Bridge soon had it sorted. Had a follow up phone call from a Colchester landline number to check that recovery agent had arrived.

Super efficient all round !


Motor Breakdown

Broke down en route to work; within one hour of making the call the recovery appeared - impressed.


Stranded Passenger - Travel Insurance

Our flight to Italy was delayed by 4 hours – the lounge access that you can register for was absolutely spot on and the moment the delay was announced as exceeding 2 hours my phone pinged with the lounge pass attached – great service!!



Given the current closure of GP surgeries and strain on the NHS, we found this service really helpful.  I wouldn’t have got an appointment at my local GP at all in the current crisis, there just aren’t any, and this allowed us to get treated and medicated without rubbing shoulders with the general public at the chemists.