Derbyshire Police Federation

PFEW to host webinar on International Women's Day

19 February 2024

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is holding a webinar on International Women’s Day (IWD) to highlight the work and contributions of officers helping to support women in policing.

The webinar takes place from 10am to 11.30am on Friday 8 March along the theme of this year’s IWD, which is Inspire Inclusion.

The webinar will provide an opportunity for members to hear inspirational accounts, discuss challenges, and talk about positive changes.

Derbyshire Police Federation secretary Kirsty Bunn said: “International Women’s Day allows us to celebrate the fantastic work and achievements of our female members and those who work tirelessly to support them in their work.

“This morning-long webinar being held by the Federation is a chance to share in the successes of colleagues, to hear their incredible stories, and to look at what the future might hold.”



The webinar is open to anyone who wants to attend and is free to Federation members and representatives.

The morning will start with a welcome from Belinda Goodwin, PFEW’s parliamentary, specials and gender lead, and Hayley Aley, PFEW’s women’s health lead.

Sessions include Inspiring and supporting officers for equality in method of entry, and Bleepkind - the inspiration behind the vision, which focuses on support for officers with job-related fitness tests.

Other sessions include a women’s health update around menopause and how best to support women in the workplace, and a talk from Karen Giles, the Met's longest-serving female officer on what keeps her inspired.

Click here to register

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February 2025