Derbyshire Police Federation

Supporting members: could you be a Fed rep?

19 July 2021

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton says he has the best job in policing as he encouraged members to consider standing for election as a Federation rep.

Nominations for workplace reps are open now until 22 July, with elections due to start on 29 July.

Tony and other colleagues in the Federation have spoken about their roles and their work.

Tony, who was a Federation rep for almost eight years before becoming branch chair nearly four years ago, said: “I loved the role as a workplace rep and was able to support loads of colleagues, through all manner of issues, in those years. 

“There are also opportunities to pick up specialist training. I was the branch health and safety lead and studied for a NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) qualification alongside excellent Federation training.

“I’ve heard lots of mates say that they’ve got the best job in the Force, which is always nice to hear, but they’re mistaken.

“Actually, I have the best job anywhere.  Being your full-time chair means that my whole job is about looking after Fed members, supporting them when they need it and influencing stakeholders to get the best outcomes for us all.”

Tony was speaking during a recent online discussion with members. He was joined by Federation secretary Kirsty Bunn and Branch Board members Paul Russell and Bekki Smith.

Kirsty said: “It’s a very rewarding role. I became a rep after I’d suffered some issues at work. Initially I was carrying out the role in addition to my operational commitments but in the last three years, the Federation has been my full-time role as secretary.

“I enjoy being someone who people come to for advice, help and support. I see how policing affects individuals, physically and mentally. My aim is to allow each officer to have a voice to help them understand what they have been through to help them approach a resolution.”

Bekki said: “I have been a rep for five years and I absolutely love it. I currently work as an LPU officer at Chesterfield as well as my Fed rep duties.  Sometimes this is challenging, as doing both roles at the same time can be very demanding.

“I like a challenge and I love to help people. I have experienced highs and lows and every emotion you can imagine with the colleagues I have helped and supported. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Paul added: “Being a Fed rep can be very rewarding but supporting officers through complaints, court trials etc can also be very demanding. You do become personally invested in that officer’s welfare and wellbeing and you will experience and help them through every emotion in the book - anger, frustration, sadness and tears.

“You really do need a pocket pack of tissues on hand and it can be very hard at times.”

  • All subscribing Federation members should have received an email directly to their PNN address (or their selected preferred email address) from the independent third-party electoral service provider, Mi-Voice. Members are asked to check their junk mailbox if they cannot see the email from Mi-Voice in their inbox. Derbyshire members can also apply via the link on Chief Constable's Orders.

Non-subscribing members cannot stand for election but can vote. Details of the voting platform will be provided in the coming weeks once the nomination period is closed.

The email to subscribing members includes a link to an online nomination form. Members who wish to stand for election will need to complete the form, which includes confirming that they are eligible to stand and agree to the Standards and Performance Agreement. 

If you want more information about the role or the election process, please email Kirsty.



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