Derbyshire Police Federation

Sign up for menopause webinar

23 September 2020

As the number of menopausal women in the workplace continues to increase, it’s crucial that organisations become ‘menopause friendly’.

Most people have some experience of the condition, either going through it themselves or living with someone who is. So a light-hearted webinar produced by Laughology explains how women at work are affected by the hot flushes, concentration issues and irritability that are often common symptoms.

Adam Bryan, Derbyshire Police Federation’s wellbeing lead, said it’s time for forces to acknowledge the issue: “The menopause has been dismissed or ignored for too long. We all need to get past the stigma and the myths and find out what it is, how much impact it can have and how we should help.

“Knowledge is power. I would encourage members to sign up for this webinar as we should be talking about it properly, not just referring to it as ‘the M word’.”

Derbyshire Police Federation has also offered to pay the entrance fee for the first 20 members to sign up for the webinar. Simply email the office for more details.

Laughology, formed in 2006, is a training and consulting company which prides itself on encouraging organisational behaviour change through the psychology of humour, laughter and happiness.

The 75-minute webinar will be presented by Kerry Leigh on Friday 16 October from 10am and the price is £6. All profits will go to The Daisy Network, a charity that supports women going through the menopause and those diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI).

Find out more and book a place.



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