Derbyshire Police Federation

PTC offers remote physio sessions

28 October 2020

The Police Treatment Centres (PTC) has launched a remote physiotherapy service for its subscribing members to access online.

The new service allows you to attend video appointments from the comfort of your own home.

It’s ideal for those who find it hard to travel or have dependents making a residential stay difficult. It also allows for social distancing during the pandemic.

The service is delivered by video or, if you don’t have the equipment, by telephone.

Any care or treatment advice will be provided at the appointment or emailed afterwards and any follow-up will be arranged as normal.

A spokesperson said: “Our remote physiotherapy outpatient service gives you access to the usual high standard of expert advice and treatment with the benefit, flexibility and comfort of carrying this out in your own home.”

Find out more in this video or by visiting the Police Treatment Centres website.

The PTC is a charity which provides treatment and support, including intensive, police-specific, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, for injured and ill police officers and retired officers.

It provides two treatment centres at St Andrews, in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, and Castlebrae in Auchterarder, Perthshire.

Almost 4,000 serving and retired officers attend the treatment centres each year and most receive intensive physiotherapy. Others seek support with stress-related conditions or anxiety and depression as part of the charity’s psychological wellbeing programme.

Subscribing to the PTC costs £1.80 per week – sign up here.


February 2025