Police Federation

Chair warns the public to avoid a ‘party weekend’

The National Chair has issued a statement before the ‘rule of six’ restrictions come into force on Monday.

11 September 2020


The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, John Apter, has issued a statement before the ‘rule of six’ restrictions come into force on Monday. 

National Chair John Apter

National Chair John Apter


He said: “There is a real risk some members of the public will take advantage of the current situation and treat this weekend as a party weekend ahead of the tighter restrictions being introduced on Monday. 


“Alcohol and warm weather are not a good combination at the best of times. Using the current situation as an opportunity and excuse to party would be incredibly irresponsible and put pressure not only on policing, but potentially on the ambulance service and NHS. 


“We are in the grip of a deadly pandemic and we have seen cases increasing over recent weeks. Policing is under pressure like never before, but my colleagues will give enforcement notices if they feel it’s appropriate, and we make no apology for doing so.” 

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