Police Federation

Chair responds to announcement on social gatherings

The National Chair has issued a response to the Government announcement restricting social gatherings

8 September 2020


The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales has responded to the Government announcement that social gatherings of more than six people will be banned in England from Monday.

John Apter said: "With the increase in confirmed COVID cases, it's no surprise the Government has made this announcement.

"For policing, these constant changes to legislation are becoming the norm. The pressures on policing have increased significantly over recent months, and this latest change will add to this pressure.

"My colleagues will support the public through what is going to be a very difficult time. At all times they will also remind people that a breach of these regulations means breaking the law. 

"However, the Government needs to play its’ part. With so many changes in legislation, an effective public information campaign must be a priority - as there’s been so much confusion for the public and many people don’t know exactly what the law says.

"We would urge the public to do the right thing and comply with the new rules, to help protect each other and prevent the further spread of this deadly virus."

The restrictions are as follows:

  • Number of people legally allowed to meet socially reduced from 30 to six, with some exemptions
  • Limit applies nationally, indoors and outdoors, and to all ages
  • Any group larger than six risks being dispersed by police or fined for non-compliance


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