90 days from today is Fri, 16 May 2025

Wiltshire Police Federation

Peugeot Affinity Scheme

Peugeot Contract Hire Plus

As the Contract Hire and Leasing arm of Peugeot, we know the cars and vans we finance better than anyone else – and the way to keep them running smoothly and efficiently for you.

Features and benefits

Peugeot Contract Hire will waive the difference between the vehicle’s market value at the time of loss and your agreement’s settlement figure, up to a maximum of £7,500.

Latest offers

View the latest prices* on the Peugeot Contract Hire website

Who qualifies?

Only UK Police Federation members, Police staff and their partner/spouse who live at the same address are eligible to use this scheme - NOT JUST THE WEST MIDLANDS FORCE!

Purchase/Validation process

The following process details how members, are verified to take advantage of the exclusive savings:

Make contact with Peugeot Contract Hire on 0345 313 3811, or view the dedicated website to get a quote to meet your specific needs.

To be validated as being eligible for the scheme, you need to do one of the following:

(1) Ask your chosen dealership to email your .pnn email address, you then email back the dealership back thus providing evidence you work for the police be it an officer or a civilian


(2) Ask the dealership to email the federation branch you are or were a member of to provide evidence you are eligible for the scheme.

The first method would be the most preferable, as you are then able to control the process yourself and are not held back by third party verification

* Prices listed are examples only and run on a quarterly basis. Your car must be ordered and registered between the dates stated to qualify for that quarter's prices.

Note: This offer is available via Peugeot Dealers nationwide - please contact the Peugeot Contract Hire quote line on 0345 313 3811 or go online to get more information about the offers available.