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Wiltshire Police Federation

COVID-19 – Some FAQs for police officers and the public

25 March 2020

How is the lockdown going to make policing more difficult?
Policing during the lockdown is going to be incredibly difficult. Many officers will be in self isolation or caring for family members who are themselves unwell. Most police officers do not have the option to work from home and they may be interacting with people with the virus, which will then reduce the numbers of available officers further.

What is the Police Federation of England & Wales doing to help officers?
PFEW is in constant contact with the Government and other policing stakeholders regarding the latest advice to our members. The National Chair has spoken to the Home Secretary personally about the need for personal protective equipment for officers and more, clearer guidance on the powers that come with this lockdown.

Do police forces have the power to enforce this lockdown?
Powers are being rushed through Parliament, but the foundation of law enforcement in this country has always been policing by consent. We do not want to be heavy handed with the public but rather work with them to keep everyone safe and avoid further, more stringent measures.

What is the Police Federation’s message to public at this time?
Please stay inside and help take the pressure off, not just the NHS, but the entire emergency services family. We will step up and do the best we can to save lives – but the general public needs to step up too. We all have to do what is right for the country and comply with the rules that have been put in place by the Government.

What is PFEW doing to support members?
The rapid development of the COVID-19 virus means that information and advice can change quickly.

We are continuing to work together with our partners to protect and inform our members as much as possible. We will continue to update our members on the latest specialist guidance and advice so they can stay as safe as possible.

Please use this resource for any support you may need during the crisis. We have covered areas such as financial advice, wellbeing tips and pension support amongst others, if you would like to suggest useful information for our members and staff please let us know.

Please continue to check the NHS website for up-to-date advice and guidance.

For all the latest Government information on COVID-19 and the measures the Government, and devolved Governments, are taking, please visit the UK Government website, or the Welsh Government website.

PHE has published some frequently asked questions on the coronavirus which can be found here.

You can also check for regular updates at: https://www.polfed.org/our-work/covid-19/covid-19-advice/