90 days from today is Fri, 16 May 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details


Q. My son’s school was unexpectedly closed for the day and he was sent home, I couldn’t arrange childcare, do I have to use annual leave or time out of the book to care for him?

A. Police officers may take time off because of the unexpected disruption or termination of arrangements for the care of a dependant, or to deal with an incident which involves a child of the member and which occurs unexpectedly.

Leave taken as time off for dependants shall be treated as duty, but does not apply unless the member informs the Force the reason for the absence as soon as is reasonably practicable. Best practice would be to inform a line supervisor of your circumstances as soon as you become aware of it.

A “dependant” means, in relation to a member of a police force:

  1. a) a spouse
    b) a child
    c) a parent
    d) a person who lives in the same household as the member, otherwise than by reason of being their employee, tenant, lodger or boarder.

This also covers when a dependant falls ill, gives birth or is injured or assaulted or in consequence of the death of a dependant.

There is no limit to dependant’s leave for police officers and this is enshrined in Police Regulations.

Q. I was off sick when I was booked as leave, what happens?

A. You cannot be off sick and on annual leave at the same time. Any annual leave falling within a period of sickness can be cancelled and taken at a later date as long as evidence can be provided of the sickness such as a doctor’s fit note. This also applies to TOIL but not RRD/RDIL as these carry no value so would be lost if not cancelled beforehand.

Q. I have been off long-term sick and unable to take annual leave, what can I do?

A. If you return to work late in the leave year and do not have the opportunity to take all your annual leave before the end of the leave year, or you return to work in a new leave year having been off sick for the previous leave year, you are entitled to carry over four weeks’ annual leave (less any already taken) into the following leave year. This additional carried over leave must be used within 18 months.