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West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Pay and morale: have your say

10 June 2019

All Federation members are being urged to complete a survey on pay and conditions and officer morale.

The Police Federation of England and Wales conducts a national survey on these issues each year with the findings being used as evidence in the Federation’s submission to the Pay Review Remuneration Body (PRRB).

“While I appreciate that officers are busy and it can be hard to find time to fill out the various surveys circulated throughout the year, I would say this is one of the most important,” says Steve Grange, secretary of West Midlands Police Federation.

“It should only take around 20 minutes to complete but the findings could have a real bearing on officers’ pay and conditions for years to come. The more officers who fill out the survey the stronger the arguments of the Federation on their behalf will be.”

The survey will close on Monday 29 July.

All Federation members will be emailed a link to the survey but if you do not receive yours, please email the Federation office.