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West Midlands Police Federation

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Have you completed the pay and morale survey?

10 May 2018

Pay and Morale Survey

The Police Federation’s national pay and morale survey closes Tuesday (15 May).

And John Williams, acting chair of West Midlands Police Federation, is encouraging all Federation members to fill out the survey and submit their responses

“It is really important that as many officers as possible take part in this survey since the findings are used as part of the Police Federation’s annual submission to the pay review body and also in its dealings with bodies such as the College of Policing,” says John.

“The higher the response rate, the better since it will add strength to our case when our national negotiators are talking to politicians and other stakeholders and, of course, we can also discuss the findings with chief officers and MPs at a more local level.”

Members should have received an email to their PNN address with a link to the survey. If you have not received this, please contact the Federation office or click on the graphic below for more information.