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Have your say on Police uniform reforms

2 July 2024

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has launched a survey to find out members’ views on police uniform.

PFEW is working with researchers at Lancaster University on the National Police Uniform and Equipment Survey, which is launched today (Monday 1 July)

Zac Mader, the Federation’s Welsh co-lead, is urging as many members as possible to complete the survey, which will provide decision makers with the evidence needed to make meaningful changes to police uniform.

Zac, who is leading on the project with fellow National Board member and PFEW wellbeing lead, said: “This is the first opportunity our members have had to tell us and the police service how they feel about their uniform.


“Every day, in every station there’s likely to be a conversation about uniform, whether it’s good, bad or indifferent.

“Our survey focuses on issues around around uniform and interoperability with equipment and PPE.

“Is the uniform fit for purpose. How does it make people feel wearing it? Does it make you feel proud to be a police officer.

“This is a great opportunity for our members to have their say on what they think about their uniform and what they want from it, and we’d encourage as many as possible to complete it.



“We’ll use the results to give decision makers evidence of what our members want so that meaningful changes are made to the uniform and uniform policies.

“Make sure you have your say.”

The survey has had input from the National Police Chiefs’ Council, the Police Superintendents’ Association, UNISON and the Home Office.

Minimum standards

Zac said he hoped the work would improve the quality of uniforms, and even save Forces money in the long run.

“It appears to be a postcode lottery at the moment,” he said.

“There isn’t one route to buying uniform, which means potentially different standards of uniform across the service.

“We want consistency with police uniform, with the highest minimum standards and to get rid of the postcode lottery.

“We want uniform that is environmentally friendly and that has been ethically sourced.

“And we believe that there are future opportunities with procurement of uniform and buying power."

The link to the survey has been sent to members' inboxes. If you have any queries please contact impactofuniform@gmail.com or the PFEW research team on researchanddatacollection@polfed.org.

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