90 days from today is Mon, 03 February 2025

Your Federation Weekly News 14-06-24

14 June 2024

Your federation weekly news

PFEW Industrial Rights Poll ****REMINDER CLOSES 23 JUNE AT 21:59 ****

DON'T FORGET Officers in Surrey have the opportunity to make their voice heard about whether police officers should have industrial rights and binding arbitration on pay awards.
The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is asking its members in all forces whether it should pursue industrial rights for officers, and the right to ‘collective bargaining’ and a fairer pay mechanism.
Darren Pemble, Chair of Surrey Police Federation, said: “The current police officer pay mechanism, carried out by the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB), has its remit set by the Government. As such, the PFEW considers the pay mechanism to be unfair and to lack independence.
“PFEW believes that collective bargaining, with binding arbitration, is a fairer and more independent way of setting police officer pay. We refer to this as ‘industrial rights’. We are asking whether you would like us to campaign for these industrial rights on your behalf.
“Please note that, at this time, the proposed campaign is not about seeking a right for police officers to take strike action.
“Please take time to consider this and make your vote count. Stay safe out there.”
All members of Surrey Police Federation will receive an email from the PFEW containing a link through which they can voice their own opinion.
Federation members will receive a link to the poll via MiVoice, the company that manages the election process for PFEW. The vote opened on Monday 3 June and will close on Friday 23 June at 21:59.
Members should contact support@mi-voice.com


Nominations for Surrey Police Federation’s 2024 Recognition Awards In Association with AXON are now open!
To nominate colleagues for these Awards, Click here
