90 days from today is Mon, 12 May 2025

Sgt Gary Stephen wins the Federation Representative Award

9 December 2024

An officer who is always available to support colleagues and has improved working conditions across the organisation has won the Federation Representative Award at the Surrey Police Federation Recognition Awards.

Sgt Gary Stephen, who is both Vice Chair and Custody Lead for the Federation, was described by his colleagues as a Rep who was dedicated to helping officers and always willing to take on additional responsibilities.

A colleague said: “Gary’s selflessness is a hallmark for his service. He is invariably among the first to volunteer for tasks and offers timely and well-informed advice to those in need. His proactive approach ensures that his colleagues feel supported, no matter the challenges they face.”
Sgt Stephen is also committed to professional growth and is constantly working towards acquiring new skills and qualifications, particularly in specialist areas, so he can provide the highest level of support to his fellow officers.  

Colleagues often seek his counsel in navigating complex situations. His ability to provide expert guidance has helped prevent potential conflicts, resolved ongoing issues and contributed to a more harmonious workplace.
Sgt Stephen said: “I got into policing because I wanted to do something that was different and interesting and that wasn’t driven by financial incentives.
“I became a Fed Rep in 2020 because I wanted to help other officers, especially newer recruits, who maybe didn’t understand their rights. It’s important that there’s someone there with specific knowledge about situations, who can help people if things go wrong. Or if officers need a bit of advice, the Fed Rep can be on the end of the phone for them.”
His advice to other officers who were considering becoming a Fed Rep was: “If you’ve got the inclination, it’s worth doing. You’ve got to be aware that a lot of your personal time will be spent worrying about other people’s problems. But if you want to make a real difference and help your colleagues out more than you would in any other way, it’s a very good place to do that.”
Sgt Stephen said he was “surprised but happy” when he found out he’d won the award. He said: “As a cop, you never expect to win anything and that’s not the reason we do things. But it felt really nice!”

Surrey Police Federation Chair Darren Pemble said: “Gary’s actions have made a tangible difference by fostering a culture of mutual support, improving workplace conditions and enhancing the overall wellbeing of his fellow officers.
“His impact is not just felt on an individual level, but resonates across the entire organisation, making him a truly deserving candidate for the Surrey Police Federation Representative Award.”

Sgt Stephen will attend the Surrey Police Federation Recognition Awards on Thursday 12 December.

The lead sponsor for the Awards is Axon.
Also sponsoring are Uniform Mortgages, Serve & Protect Credit Union, Flint House, Police Mortgages, No1 Copperpot Credit Union, Niche, No5 Chambers, Accord, Douglas Rowe Financial, Police Mutual, National Police Healthcare Scheme, The Surrey PCC and Metfriendly.