90 days from today is Wed, 07 May 2025

Pay & Morale Update From Your Federation

16 May 2024

This year’s pay and morale survey demonstrated how much work there is still to do. Just at the time when public services need to be reinvigorated, morale among police officers is at an all-time low.

The fact that almost 78 per cent of police officers are dissatisfied with ‘overall remuneration’ shows the scale of our task ahead. It is however very simple: police officers should be remunerated to an appropriate level to support them, their families and be comfortable for the risks they undertake for society every day.  

There is a considerable amount of work going on within the Federation in relation to Officer terms and conditions and the National Secretary’s office is at the centre of it.
As you may be aware, we are going out to the membership to seek your views on collective bargaining.

Our work with the NPCC, HMIC, PSA and others has fed into their respective PRRB submissions which we hope will bear fruit in the summer.

The PCF-led review of allowances is underway, and we are participating in a widespread benchmarking exercise, building the best case possible for our membership.

Following the Accountability Review, we will be continuing to help shape the legislative changes to improve the timeliness of investigations into police officers’ conduct. There are also numerous other consultations that we have engaged with and responded to on behalf of our membership.
We wanted to make sure that you the membership are aware of all the work we are doing around officer pay and conditions.