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Surrey Police has been rated as a ‘Good’ force, but how long can we continue this way?

5 April 2018

Surrey Police has been rated as a ‘Good’ force, but how long can we continue this way? questions Surrey Police Federation Chair, Mel Warnes.

The HMIC recently released the results of their annual ‘PEEL’ reports for all forces in the UK.

The report draws evidence to asses forces individually on effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy, giving them a rating of outstanding, good, requiring improvement or inadequate. 

In Surrey, the force was rated ‘good’ in all three areas, receiving an overall rating of ‘good’. It was among 30 forces to receive this award.

HMIC reported that overall, Police are performing well, however they are under significant stress and the strain is beginning to show in a number of forces.

Mel Warnes, Surrey Police Federation Chair, commends Surrey’s rating, but has concerns for the future.

She says: “In a time of increased demand, less Officers on the ground, higher stress and constant pressure from reduced staff due to sickness, it is great to see Officers in Surrey are still doing a really good job.

“However, I question how long this can last. Forces can only do so much with what they have.

“The report has highlighted that forces are begging to show cracks. Surely these cracks will only continue to appear the longer we continue the way we are? 

“So, I’m proud of my colleagues on being rated as ‘good’ in these testing times, but we need to be listened too when we say we cannot carry on like this.”