90 days from today is Thu, 08 May 2025

National Chair candidates announced

9 July 2018

Two candidates have put themselves forward to stand as the national chair for the Police Federation of England and Wales: John Apter and Phill Matthews

Details of each candidate can be found on our elections page.

All police officers up to the rank of Chief Inspector are eligible to vote and voting will begin on 12 July and close on 30 July. Information on how to vote will be sent directly to all members via their PNN email address and further details of the voting process and the elections timetable can be found on our elections page.

The 2018 elections will be the first to take place using a new process recommended by the Federation’s 2014 Independent Review. The new process has allowed our members to vote for their workplace reps, local Branch Chairs and now their National chair via an electronic voting system. The new chair will take up their post from 1 August and take over from current incumbent Calum Macleod.

If you are a member and you have any questions about the elections, please contact your local Branch.

Follow @PFEW_HQ and #YourFederation on Twitter.