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Hard-hitting ‘Reality of Policing’ video a huge success

2 June 2018

A powerful and emotive video commissioned for the national Police Federation's Annual Conference to show the reality of policing has reached an audience of over a million people.

The short two-minute film features a female uniformed officer as she undertakes a day on the beat.  Viewers see her undertaking her shift single crewed, responding to countless jobs, being spat at, dealing with a knifeman, attending an injured man when there was no ambulance available, being criticised for taking a break and being late home missing a family event.

It was launched at conference last week during national Chair Calum Macleod’s keynote speech and has been delivered to more than a million social media feeds, shared by around 15,000 people and attracted thousands of comments and ‘likes.’

The video has been praised for highlighting the real issues faced by thousands of frontline officers up and down the country every day.

Surrey Police Federation Chair, Melanie Warnes, said: "The video reflects the concerns and struggles our members face day in, day out, from leave embargo and rest days being cancelled, being overworked and routinely finishing late and missing family events to the more disgusting and frightening things they have to deal with such as being attacked and spat at.

"It gives people a real insight into what it is like to be a police officer today and the impact the job can have on our members' personal lives and welfare."

Please share the video on your own social media channels.