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Charity ball organised in memory of fallen Surrey officer

6 November 2018

The family of a Surrey Police officer who died on duty are organising a charity ball in his memory.

PC Richard Gunn died in a car crash on March 14th, 2004 while answering an emergency call.

The 29-year-old officer died just seven weeks before he was due to marry.

The 'Remembering Richard' ball will take place in Woking on May 4th next year and will raise money for the Police Roll of Honour Trust and Care of Police Survivors (COPS).

Richard’s father Denis told the Surrey Advertiser website GetSurrey.co.uk; "We're trying to do this to remember Richard but also to raise funds for those two charities.

“We found, over the years, it's been very tough. It was tough in the early days, it's tough now, trying to get through Christmas without him. We're clearly not the only people who go through this.”

He said that COPS had helped his family get crucial support from others who have also lost loved ones.

He has since immersed himself in police-related charity work to honour his son.

"Losing my son - he was 29 when he was killed, and I was just about 54 - and to be honest, it just knocked me off my feet,” he told the website.

"I just couldn't deal with life for quite a while afterwards, so I took early retirement and I became involved in both charities.

“It's just a case of trying to give back and partly keep my son's name alive.”

Stepmother Carol Gunn explained the date of the ball was chosen because PC Gunn was an avid Star Wars fan and that the phrase 'May the Force be with you' is a nod to the police.

Mrs Gunn told the site: "Richard was intelligent, compassionate and modest with a wonderful sense of humour. We have heard from colleagues how they loved to be crewed with him and how he would offer help to anyone at the end of his shift.

"He had a gift for leading when required but stepping back and boosting others less experienced than himself too,” she added.

The Gunn family are currently looking for business or individual support for the event - for information email denis.gunn@ukcops.org or denis.gunn@rollofhonour.police.uk

For more visit: https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/family-organises-ball-memory-cherished-15363851