90 days from today is Wed, 11 December 2024

Suffolk Police Federation

Get to know your Fed reps: Laura Parker

7 September 2021

Former prison officer PC Laura Parker joined the police so she could assist members of the public rather than offenders.

And that desire to help others led to her becoming a Police Federation workplace representative in 2017.

She explained: “The reason for this was that I enjoy varied work and supporting others and being a Fed rep helps the organisation and its members. I am predominantly a West based rep. 

“I like to help others. The main challenge posed by being a rep is that it is a further commitment in addition to the day job. 

“The priorities of the role are to give help to members with personal, work-based issues. I am currently really interested in equality matters.”

Laura has completed several Police Federation training courses to broaden her knowledge and in December she will be attending a course to become an equality rep.

She said she would encourage officers considering becoming a workplace rep to visit the office, speak to Fed reps, gain knowledge around the role and embrace it as an additional commitment, adding that anyone who wishes to be considered as a rep would require self-motivation.

Laura joined the police in September 2009 and was on response for five years, followed by work with various proactive teams such as Scorpion, safeguarding, the drugs team and the gang unit.

She has spent 10 years in Ipswich and to broaden her skills now serves the west of Suffolk.

She said: “I have felt a valued member of the constabulary who has been lucky enough to work in various high profile teams doing a varied type of police work.  

“I currently work on the Sentinel West unit: a proactive, fast paced road-based team intercepting ANPR markers entering Suffolk. 

“We deal with numerous minor traffic offences through to organised crime groups, scaled drugs supply and serious complex offences.”

Laura said the future challenges faced by the Force included ensuring there was proper staff support and provision for officer wellbeing.  



September 2024