24 January 2025
The chair of Nottinghamshire Police’s Men’s Health Forum, Detective Inspector Luke Todd, has put together some top tips to help Federation members deal with the January blues.
The Men’s Health Forum aims to break down barriers and encourage men to talk about their issues.
And Luke, a Nottinghamshire Police Federation member, is encouraging people to take steps to look after their health and wellbeing.
His tips are:
Get outside and do some exercise. It will release endorphins, the feel-good hormones in the brain. You’ll feel better and get some much needed vitamin D.
Make a plan of what you want to achieve this year. But be realistic and do not try and make all of your changes with New Year’s resolutions. Research shows that gradual changes spread across the year are more likely to last.
Be social and see friends. Often people plan all of their activities over Christmas and New Year, but don’t neglect your social time in the early part of the year.
Start a diary and write a journal. You’ll be surprised how good it feels to move things from your thoughts and onto paper. Give it a try.
Information about the Men’s Health Forum is available via the SharePoint on the Force intranet, or you can contact Luke directly to be signposted to the communications available.
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