Police Federation

Officer welfare a priority during Trump visit

Federation reps have secured pay, conditions and welfare support for officers policing the US President’s state visit

28 May 2019


Officers deployed on a mutual aid basis for President Trump’s forthcoming visit will receive a fairer deal thanks to the Federation.

Fed reps have been working tirelessly to secure pay and conditions and ensure that the appropriate support is in place during the US leader’s state visit this week. He will arrive in the UK on 3 June, leaving on 5 June before travelling to France for the 75th D-Day anniversary celebrations.

Last year nearly 10,000 officers were deployed during a four-day trip to the UK by Mr Trump.

This time, officers will benefit from:
• An allowance of £50 for each night away
• Overnight accommodation in a hotel
• Properly regulated mealtimes
• Access to water at all times
• Access to charging points where possible
• Welfare vans

Federation reps will also be present at briefing locations and a hotline will be provided around-the-clock for members to call if they experience difficulties regarding welfare, food or accommodation, although they should contact their own supervisor in the first instance.
The numbers are 07901 102513 and 02380 478919.

PFEW Operational Policing lead Simon Kempton said: “We are particularly grateful to Hampshire Federation’s chair Alex Charge and secretary Garry Smith who worked really hard on the issues with the Gold commander and logistics teams. Last year conditions were clearly unacceptable for many of the near 10,000 officers deployed, many of whom were far away from their homes and families after rest days and annual leave were cancelled.”

Measures may be subject to change due to operational needs, with the exception of the £50 overnight allowance which will be paid regardless. If officers work a day of annual leave they may be entitled to compensation, including overtime payment and a day back.

Under regulations if officers work on a rest day they are entitled to compensation – where less than 15 days’ notice is given they are entitled to payment at time and a half. In addition, if you are retained on duty you can may be entitled to food expenses or travel expenses if you perform a split shift or you’re recalled to duty between two tours.

Under Working Time Regulations officers are entitled to 11 hours break between shifts except in an exigency. If your next shift is moved back to accommodate your 11 hours, you may be entitled to compensatory rest.

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