Lincolnshire Police Federation is the staff association for police constables, sergeants and inspectors (including chief inspectors) at Lincolnshire Police.
Nationally, the Police Federation of England and Wales is one of the largest staff associations in the UK representing almost 122,000 rank and file officers.
What we do for our members
Lincolnshire Police Federation provides assistance to its members, the Federated ranks of Lincolnshire Police. We offer advice on Police Regulations covering matters like overtime, allowances and leave entitlements. Our day to day activities also involve advice, representation and negotiation in areas such as Equality, Fairness Matters, Health and Safety issues, welfare and part-time working issues, professional development advice, and as ever - representation for Gross Misconduct, Misconduct and UPP investigations and hearings.
Subscribing Members have access to legal advice and representation for on duty related incidents.
We also help administer applications to the Police Treatment Centre for physiotherapy & psychological wellbeing.
The Group Insurance scheme also provides cover including world-wide travel insurance, £120,000 life insurance cover, hospitalisation benefit, home emergency assistance, motor breakdown cover, critical illness cover, sick pay benefit, GP24 and legal expenses cover that includes identity theft and many more areas.