Leicestershire  Police Federation

Christmas and New Year Message from Adam Commons, Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation

23 December 2021


Christmas and New Year Message from Adam Commons, Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation


As we come to the end of the year many of us will reflect on the last 12 months and the challenges we have all faced. Policing seems to have never been far away from the headlines throughout and I know from speaking to many of my colleagues that this does have an impact on you.

In the last year you have all stepped up to continue protecting our communities against the odds. You have continued to police a pandemic, even though our Government continues to treat you all with such distaste. You have also had to deal with public backlash for the actions of a tiny minority who have no place in policing, or even society.

You have done this all against a backdrop of knowing your wages have been effectively cut again and watching fuel prices and the cost of living go through the roof. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are the reason I do this job, I’m proud to represent you and will continue to do everything I can to ensure you are recognised by those that matter.

Christmas is normally a time of the year we associate with family time or visiting friends. Please look out for your colleagues. There are some who will celebrate Christmas on their own, whose respite is the workplace and being surrounded by friendly faces.

However you celebrate this time of year, I hope it is a happy and safe.

Hopefully I’ll see a few of you on New Year’s Eve when I’ll be out in the van again bringing a few treats along with me.

Thank you again for all of your support in 2021.

