Police Federation

FOI 00211 - Expenses and Fed Finances - North Wales


Received: 29 January 2020

  1. Can I respectfully request  account information  including itemised expenses claims by Fed reps at all levels within North Wales Police for the last two years?
  2. In terms of Fed Rep attendance at formal events (Bravery awards, memorial events etc.) can you please also advise if there is  policy or guidance in existence with regards to what type of events should be attended and the number of reps required to attend? Can  you also advise at what level representation should be given for example, Chair, secretary, Rep.
  3. In terms of expenses claims made by reps at all levels can I respectfully request a copy of your guidance/policy that is given to reps when coming into post.
  4. Also on a National level I understand a vote took place last year with regards to whether or not Federation finances should be used to pay for the legal fees of those who entered into the pension challenge. If this is the case I respectfully request a list of those who voted, which forces they represent and which way they voted.


Responded: 19 February 2020

1. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that there are 24 reps Fed Reps for North Wales and the expenses for 2018 and 2019 are as follows:







Bank charges and commission



Branch Welfare









Gifts & Presentations






Hospitality Costs



IT Consumables









Overnight Incident Allowance






Professional Services






Repairs & Maintenance



Staff Other



Staff welfare






Subsistence/ Refreshments






Travel - Air



Travel - Car



Travel - Coach



Travel - Taxi



Travel - Train






2. PFEW can confirm that the only event where there are strict rules in terms of attendance is Annual Conference.

Annual Conference
There is no policy but instead a formula that is used to determine the number of delegates, based on the size of force. As a result of the Independent Review of the Police Federation, the PFEW took the step to reduce numbers by more than a half and the Home Office agreed.

North Wales has an allocation of 9 which covers workplace and full-time officials.

Bravery Awards
Branch boards nominate one Fed Rep per force area, with the exception of the Metropolitan who can nominate three. All nominees and their partners attend a lunchtime reception – no Branch Board officials or reps attend this. The National Chair, National Vice-Chair and National Secretary also attend the reception.

The evening awards ceremony is attended by all nominees and their partners. Chief Constables from all nominated forces are invited to attend, along with Branch Board Reps (usually the Chair) who hosts their nominee(s), Chiefs, PCC etc.

National Police Memorial Day
This in not organised by the PFEW but by the charity itself. Anyone can register to attend. Most usually the Chair or Secretary attend to support families of fallen officers.

Other events
Seminars are open for Fed Reps to register to attend – full-time officials and/or workplace Reps. Attendance must be justified to their board and/or force in terms of allowing time to attend.


3. The current policy for use of credit cards follows this response.

4. The Police Federation of England and Wales neither confirm nor deny if this is information held and are exempting it under Section 40(5B) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This provides exemptions from the duty to confirm or deny whether requested information is held, if to do so would disclose personal data.

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