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Hertfordshire Police Federation

Pay and morale: make your views known

22 September 2022

There’s still two weeks to take part in the Police Federation’s annual pay and morale survey and Hertfordshire branch chair Luke Mitchell is urging members to have their say.

This year’s survey has been combined with the demand, capacity and welfare survey to provide a comprehensive picture of the realities of policing.

The survey aims to capture members’ views and experiences on pay, morale, welfare and wellbeing, and to support the Federation’s ongoing campaigns to improve pay and conditions.

It closes on Monday 3 October.

Luke said: “We’re grateful to all of our members who have completed the survey so far. If you’ve not yet had chance to so, I would urge you to take some time to make your views known.

“You’ll be helping us to put together a picture of the realities of policing, and the more members who respond the more complete that picture will be.

“Please don’t miss out. Make sure you have your say.”

Find out more about the survey.