28 days from today is Mon, 17 March 2025

Hampshire Police Federation

Who will be Hampshire's #COPSTAR2020

6 January 2020

Do you know an individual or team in Hampshire Constabulary worthy of some special recognition for their brilliant police work over the past year?

Then they could be our #COPSTAR2020!!

Simply send us a Tweet with the name of the Hampshire Constabulary police officer (or officers) and what they have done over the past year to deserve recognition.

Detail in 280 characters who they are and how they have made a difference to the public, a community, a team and/or positively promoted policing.

It can be an individual or a team that has made a positive impact and they do not have to be on Twitter or Social Media.

We will ensure their contribution is recognised.

So a reminder, just Tweet who they are and what they have done using the Hashtag #COPSTAR2020 or Tweet us @HantsPolFed

We will publicise details of all the nominees – and the winner! – in due course.

Many thanks!